European State Aid Law Association

The Forum of State aid lawyers and scholars across Europe

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The purpose

  • The purpose of ESALA is to form a forum of leading practitioners in state aid law from law firms across the European Union, as well as scholars specializing in state aid law, in order to develop and improve state aid law continually, by discussing state aid law issues between them and with senior staff of the European Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), and other institutions were applicable.
  • This will be done in (on line) discussions with senior staff of the Commission and/or the ESA under the Chatham House rule, by submissions of the ESALA to internet consultations, by unsolicited submissions concerning state aid issues and by an annual plenary meeting for which ESALA will invite Commission and ESA staff as well.
  • Members are required to actively participate in ESALA’s activities, by participating in meetings, organizing the annual event and contributing to submissions.
  • ESALA does not give room to its members to discuss individual cases with Commission or ESA staff
  • ESALA will be organized by a Committee.